What is VIP?

Vocology In Practice (VIP) is the practical application of cross-disciplinary vocology principles to habilitate (build fitness into) the voice for the individual needs of the voice student as safely and efficiently as possible. It is a system that provides voice instructors globally specific training and methodology with proven and cutting edge voice habilitation practices that require continuing education and accountability.

Membership as a VIP expert requires a rigorously high technical and professional proficiency. VIP Instructors are selected from among the top vocal professionals worldwide. They must meet high and exacting standards every year to maintain their VIP standing.  We ensure that when a student hires a VIP Instructor, they are under the care and guidance of a proven vocal expert with thousands of hours of high level voice teaching experience.

A VIP instructor is a participating member of the VIP international community and is entitled to exclusive ongoing training and research with an emphasis on customized habilitation for the modern music environment.

A VIP Instructor is a free thinking, ambitious, yet diligent instructor. So passionate are they about their continued growth that they stand head and shoulders far and above all other vocal professionals.

VIP Methodology

The most effective vocal training must use a logical technique and pedagogy backed by both years of artful teaching, as well as clear scientific data. Our goal is to balance the voice through all registers (from chest voice to head voice) so that the student builds true strength and flexibility without tension over an exceptionally large range. All VIP Instructors are masters of a clear, logical technical approach based on the following concepts:

1. Laryngeal Stability
If the larynx is either too low or high at any point in the vocal range, it will cause tension and/or constriction at the glottal level which makes the transition through vocal registers difficult or impossible. This results in severe limitations in every aspect of singing.

Although complete laryngeal stability may not always be aesthetically desirable or acoustically correct in extreme parts of the range, a singer should however never be unable to achieve general laryngeal stability as part of their vocal practice.

2. Vocal Cord Closure
A strong, clear vocal tone is the result of a healthy level of vocal cord closure. Students develop the ability to maintain a moderate to high level of cord closure through all their registers over time. Through this, singers will acquire a consistent and flexible tone over a very large range of pitches.

3. Optimal Vowel Tuning
Vowels are the central control mechanism at the very heart of the singer. VIP Instructors understand how vowels acoustically affect vocal function. Vowel tuning is the art and science of adjusting vowels to optimally tune the voice for stronger dynamics over wider ranges. Over time, the student is conditioned to sing their vowels in a way that both eliminates unwanted tension and maximizes resonance.

4. Supporting Artistic Freedom
VIP instructors are aware that vocal technique exists only to serve the artistic intention of each individual singer. Applying comprehensive VIP technique is optimal for all singers, yet it must and can be adapted to suit the individual needs of vocalists of all styles and levels. When implemented properly, VIP trained singers are able use their technique to explore the many colors and idioms of their chosen style/genre with an open and free sensibility while maintaining a healthy and balanced voice.